Prescribed Dress
Dresscode Guidelines
Students must adhere strictly to prescribed dress policy. Attire is to be clean, neat and in good repair. Students should be in prescribed dress at all times (Dress-up days excepted).
Unhemmed skirts, pants or shorts are inappropriate. Literacy First uses Anesi Apparel as the prescribed dress provider. While clothing does not have to be purchased from Anesi, it must look identical to the design of Anesi Apparel. All students must have a red polo with the LFCS logo provided by Anesi for a field trip. All outerwear on a field trip must be navy blue w/school logo. There are no exceptions to this policy. Order these early, so you are prepared on the first field trip.
Hair: Hair styles should be in good taste; neat, well groomed and a natural color. Hair should be kept out of student’s face with the eyes being visible. Hair styles are subject to administrative approval. Hair must be a natural color.
Outerwear: Sweaters and jackets must be solid navy only. Outerwear on fieldtrips must be navy w/school logo. No stripes, patterns, or designs.
Shoes: Closed toed shoes are to be worn.
Hats: Hats may be worn on the playground only. They may not have any inappropriate logos or designs.
Polos: Polos are to be solid in color. Peter Pan and Oxford shirts are no longer prescribed dress.
K-3 – hunter green, red, navy, white, maroon
4-8 – hunter green, red, navy, white, maroon, baby blue, yellow
Pants, Shorts, and Capris: May be navy or khaki. (Khaki color must match Anesi dark khaki color.) No cargo pants, cargo shorts, or corduroys. Pants must be the correct size, not over-sized, baggy, or too tight, and must be worn at the waist.
Accessories: Belts, ties, knee-high socks, leggings or tights must be only polo shirt solid colors. (Exception: Black leggings are permissible.)
Piercings: All piercings must be modest. All visible piercings must be located on the ear, not anywhere else on the face, neck or head.
- Tanks and camis worn under the polo shirt may not be visible.
- At no time should underclothing or bare skin be visible.
- Skirts, jumpers, and shorts must be no shorter than 3 inches above the knee in
- Skirts and jumpers are to be navy, khaki, or approved LFCS plaid available through
Nunes (4th-8th only).
- Heavy make-up is inappropriate.
- Excessive accessorizing is inappropriate. Jewelry must be in a style that does not
distract from learning.
- Body piercings and tattoos are not permissible.
- Undershirts worn under the polo shirt are to be tucked in and not visible.
- At no time should underclothing or bare skin be visible.
- Earrings for boys are discouraged at all times. Administration discretion will be
used to determine the amount of distraction such an accessory may be/is causing.
- Body piercings and tattoos are not permissible.
Dress-up Days:
On all half day Fridays students may wear regular well-maintained blue jeans, jeans skirts,
jeans shorts or jeans capris and any school spirit shirt.
On full day Fridays students may wear any school spirit shirt as well; however, prescribed
dress bottoms must be worn.
1st offense – Teacher will record the name of student out of dress code, and the
student receives a warning.
2nd offense – Student is sent to the office and parents will be notified to bring
appropriate dress.
3rd offense – Student